A Holiday Dinner in the Warp.

by Greg Taylor

The Emperor sat brooding at the far table edge, engrossed in something and ignoring Kaela Mensha Khaine's conversation completely. Leman Russ sat next to the Emperor, and across from Khaine. He was actually listening to Kaela's complaints, but he kept checking his watch, impatient for the final battle to arrive. Kaela's conversation the whole evening long had envolved two things, complaining about why the party had to be at Slannesh's place, everyone knew they were on not-the-best-of-terms, and complaining about how hard it is living a normal life in the warp with a @!#%&* bloody hand always getting in your way.

The rustle in the corner of the room continued, to the point where the rest of the guests were able to ignore it. But soon the tumbling fray of Gork and Mork found it's way onto the table. Horus took the opportunity and shoved the pile of Orkish essense from opon the table, to the floor below, snickering at his own cunning. Horus himself was a side-kick to Khorne, always tagging along trying to impress the blood god by showing him just how mean he could be...childish really. Khorne was too busy 'carving' the turkey to notice Horus' antics, as he chopped the meat into little bits and gubbins in a violent fury.

Slaneesh was busy doing host-like things, making sure everyone was having a pleasurable time, and that everything was going alright. His latest task was to get some asprin for the Emperor, Leman said that he had quite a headache and hadn't slept in 10,000 years... Nurgle on the other hand, just sat there belching and drooling, content to just eat some of his own excrement, and forget this freshly cooked food all-together. Tzeentch couldn't be pinned down to one seat, he kept insisting that that other spot would be better... He left to the bathroom several times to change his clothes, the other suit just wasn't right...

Happy holidays everyone!