Angels In The Field.

By: Tyler Provick (Canada)

"Anum nati ahhh!" The chanting rose above the screams of the dying. Over the radio the prayer to the Emperor was taken up by every marine on the battle field. Brother Jezekiel looked out at the advancing Tyranid lines from his hiding place behind a crumbled arch. Genestealers crouched above their most recent victims, sniffing cautiously in the wind. Their purple carapaces glinted in the haze of the volcanic streams. Each creature was armed with four deadly arms, adorned with claws strong enough to tear through even Terminator armour. The whole advancing swarm stopped in it's track. The hive mind was confused. It knew these creatures, but has never seen this type of behaviour. As the Hive Tyrant assimilated the information all sounds ceased, all but the sound of the Dark Angel's chanting. The once broken squads rose from where they were dug in. They marched forward, chanting their death prayer to the Emperor. The Dark Angel Inquisitor-Chaplains hefted their Crozius Arcanum a began their final charge against the Tyranid abominations.

Brother Jezekiel could see that a brood of Termagents was sneaking up behind the 3rd Tacticle squad, led by Brother Markerson. His deep baritone voice could be heard over the radio, leading the chant. Attacking a whole Termagent brood is pure suicide, but the rest of the company stood no chance without the leadership of Brother Markerson. Sacrafice was part of serving the Emperor, and Brother Jezekiel knew what to do. Pulling two fragmentation grenades from his belt, he armed one for Exterminatus, and through the other into the tightly packed brood. When Brother Jezekiel would be killed, the armed frag grenade would fall from his limp hand, killing his last opponent. The thrown grenade exploded, scattering the Termagents. Brother Jezekiel whispered a quick prayer to the Emperor, and charged the confused Termagents.

Armed with a knife and Bolt Pistol Jezekiel barely stood a chance against the four remaining Termagents. Hopefully if the unoccupied Genestealer brood over the hill behind Jezekiel didn't get involved he might stand a chance of passing his geneseed to a younger generation. He quickly killed the first Termagent, shattering in skull with a well aimed bolt. The remaining two jumped into close combat with the lone marine. The closest one snarled throwing down it's living Fleshborer. It lunges forward, trying to dig its claws under Jezekiel's helmet. He manages to get it off, losing his helmet in the process. Facing the other creature Jezekiel points his bolt pistol at it. It grins an evil grin, and darks beneath a nearby bush. Only the rustling of spiny leaves marks its passing. The sound of claw on armour remind Brother Jezekiel of the first Termagent's presence. It is tearing at his armour with it's razor sharp claws. Jezekiel turns his head, and spits poison that his super human body produces into the beasts eyes.

A scream like the scraping of nails on a chalk slate erupts from the creature, and the bushes to Jezekiel's right. The Hive mind has brought the pain of one Termagent to its brood brother, revealing it's presence to the marine. Brother Jezekiel once again withdraws his Bolter, and fills the bushes with explosive bolter shells.

Above, Ravenwing Landspeeders roar over the battle field, raining fiery death over the Tyranid battle lines. The Hive Tyrant goes down from a blast of the Dark Angel Dreadnought's laser cannon and full missile salvo. Apothecaries reap the Geneseeds of the dead and dying, while the rest are loaded into drop ships. The battle for this planet is over, all that is left is for the remaining Tyranid and Hybrid broods to be purged for Arkonnia. No one knew of Brother Jezekiel's heroic actions, and he will tell no one. It is only his duty, and that is why he joined the Chapter.