The Angstrom Incident

Tim Rightnour

Thought for the day:

His will is like a hammer. It can craft steel, and crush foes.

I, Carab Cullen, submit this Imperial Report of actions on the moon of Angstrom taken by my brothers. All of this information Is taken from notes written by Brother Insignius, Chaplain in training.


We have been ordered to scout the Angstrom moon for hostile forces. This being the third year of the Badab war, things are really begining to heat up. We have delivered many sound defeats to those heretics, and we will deliver many more. As we enter the moons orbit, only one thing comes to mind...

Let no man defy the emperor and live.

We have planned our drop. Brother lieutenant Kianarn has decided we should drop in the "red zone" of the moon. This zone is called this due to the predominant red pigment of the ground and trees in this area. It is quite a despicable world, and I am anxious to purge it. We will land with our usual detail of 100 men and 200 scouts. No terminators will be accompaning us on this mission, though we will have a compliment of predators and bikes..

I dont understand. Our drop was executed flawlessly. Five drop ships entered the atmosphere at 10.20. We were nearing the surface when suddenly heavy artillery took out one of the drop fighters. By then it was too late, we had begun our decent, and could not move to attack the emplacement. Ours was the only ship to land.

In our ship was the light and hand to hand weaponry storage, some minor equipment, and ourselves, 70 marines. Twenty of us died in the horrible landing, and now only fifty remain. I, brother Kianarn, a devestator detachment, and 38 brother marines remain. The ship is damaged beyond repair, even if we had a tech-priest. Brother Kianarn reports that communication is impossible due to some sort of distortion field in effect over our position. They must know where we are.

We have found a small cave which we will use as our base of operations. It is now fully clear that this moon serves as a nerve center to the entire rebellion. We have taken out many stragglers and have learned they are of the tiger claw legion. Brother Kianarn has informed us we will not be attacking thier base. I, and many of my brothers agree that this is heresy. We fear our enemies might. We are no longer marines, we hide like cowards. We deserve whatever fate this creul moon delivers us, but we will not disobey brother Kianarn. One cannot choose the lesser heresey, both are unforgivable.

The troops have the lowest morale I have ever seen in a battle. Even the mighty Nortarion could not redeem these troops. He would not even be able to redeem me. How can I deliver sermon to troops, when I agree with what they think?

Brother Kianarn has instructed us to camoflauge our uniforms. Red with black striping. This is the ultimate disgrace. Two of the brothers commited suicide upon hearing this order. I wish I had been one of them. Yet, I know I must work to the good of the Emperor. I can feel his will within me. Even though I disgrace my chapter, my family, and my blood, I must destroy the enemy, and obey my commander. Those are my primary duties. I have been elected honorary Chaplain. We are the marines without a chapter. We have no honor. Kianarn is our primarch. Only the emperor remains for us.

To inspire the men, I was the first to don the camoflauged armor. It seemed to make them feel better, knowing that thier chaplain, the most holy of them, was willing to don this armor. What have I become?

This morning we began equiping ourselves. Little was salvaged from the ship, other than a few spare parts, and the reserves of ammunition and light arms. The men (excluding the devestators) were allowed to choose thier own weaponry. Most chose swords. To die in close combat is still the ultimate honor for a Red Scorpion. Many of the men cast thier helmets away, claiming that they were a symbol of fear. It would seem the dishonor of the armor, has brought out a deep desire to act honorably in all other respects. Perhaps Kianarn knew this deep down.

Enemy patrols of the area have increased steadily recently. They must know we are out here. I only pray they attack us soon, so we may begin the ritual of destruction. As long as we live, we fight.

An hour ago our devestators shot down two land speeders headed in our direction. They spotted us, but our cannons were blessed by the emperor himself. I only hope they sent our location before they went down. How I long for the glory of war.

The men have retrieved the wreck, and have been tinkering with the bits all day. I have noticed many of the men seem to have a knack for technology. They collect and tinker with spare parts all day. Maybe they will make something useful to us.

It has been 2 days since my last entry. I am the last one alive. I have only an hour to live, so I must write quickly. The chapter must know everything.

At dawn they attacked. Two hundred marines, and a detatchment of land raiders. They came like lightning. Our devestators filled the morning sky with heavy fire. Plasma fires lit the field like a thousand suns. Heavy bolters ripped through troops like a knife through cold flesh. And our lascannon was true. The emperor would have been proud. Before the attack, our "techmarine" had managed to build two small anti-grav platforms from the speeder wreck. Two of our best troops were selected to pilot them into battle. We would not await our death like frightend sheep. They came into range quickly, and as they did, we jumped forth from our trenches.

They were caught totally unaware. They had believed little more than a few devestators were in there. The camoflauge worked. We immediately struck thier front line, our swords and fists flashing like lightning through unprepared troops. We immediately dove for the land raiders, taking 4 of them out immediately. Our anti-grav platforms were the first to strike the enemy, and the first to die. They crashed head on into a stormhammer, blowing it, and themselves into bits. They probably saved our lives.

We fought like cornered demons. We delivered a firm death to all who attacked us. But we could not win. They were too numerous. Eventually we were overrun by sheer numbers. Ten of us were able to retreat to the cave, only to find our devestators destroyed. They died well. The force was immediately uopn us, and we had to fight them hand to hand again in the trenches. The battle was brutal, and two of us barely escaped death. Brother Indarnan was his name. We watched as the remnants of the Tiger Claws slowly backed away. Fifty of them remained. We fought hard, and killed in the name of the Emperor. They fought like dogs, and died in the name of a Heretic.

Then suddenly it was over. Hundreds of grenades and missles filled our cave. They tore us apart with fragmentaion grenades. We were torn to shreds. Brother Indarnan was torn apart by the initial blasts. I was knocked unconcious, and left for dead.

Now I lie here, my breath failing me. I can feel my heart slowing, my blood slowly draining from what used to be my legs. I write this so that all who may pass, will know that we did not die in fear. Let the emperor know, what my final words were:

"I have died in your name, and no reward could be greater than that. Long live the Emperor, for his will was my only sword"

End Transcription.

Let it be known to members of the Inquisition that our men stranded on the Angstrom Moon acted with purity and honor. Thier deeds were above that of any other brothers. To honor thier deaths, and thier courage, all assault squads shall forever wear the armor of the forgiven. Thier armor served them well, and they shall forever be noted in chapter history as heros.

End Transmission: Commander Carab Cullen, Legiones Astartes Red Scorpions.

Inquisition addendum:

The moon was found to be the center of operations for the Tiger Claws. The information provided by the Red Scorpions was invalulable in the destruction of the heretics. We have purged and cleansed the world of thier likes. May the emperor guide thier souls.

End report: Inquisitor Horach Untalbre. Fifth Imperial Division.

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