Troop Data Cards

This is something new I've invented. I thought it would be really great to have a deck of cards that tell you what you need to know in the heat of battle about the uint you are fighting with. I hate getting into the middle of a shooting round, and having to look up some obscure weapon skill. Ideally there would be cards like this for every unit you field. However, I'm quite sure if I made cards for the standard marine tactical squads and the like, GW would protest quite a bit. So I've provided the blanks of these cards, and you can fill in the info from your codex. As I scan some pics in of my troops, I'll add them to the upper corners, so you might check here later to see if they are up. As I have time, I'll be adding more and more cards to this area.. so keep checking here often for new and fun units to use in your battle.

          RedScourge Marines       Vetran AssaultSquad       Imperial Guard Assault Squad

   Androids                              BlankCard                              Card Back
