Time for a change

Up until now, I have been writing my own home automation engine from scratch.  This has served me, generally well, but, it has issues...

First, lets discuss why I did what I did:

  1. No cloud.  Cloud evil.  No.  Bad.
  2. When I wrote gnhast, everything was either perl trash, java trash, or unworkable trash.
  3. I wanted an event engine based approach, nothing out there did that.
  4. I wanted a fully distributed system, so I could have pieces on different servers all reporting in.

Gnhast did all of these.  Awesome! Well...

  1. I spent 90% of my time writing and maintaining engine code, and virtually no time actually automating things.
  2. I never bothered automating silly things like Denon Heos, because it was too much work and I didn't care.
  3. It was just me, alone, against the great horde of products.  If I wanted to buy something new, I had to write a backend.
  4. The frontend was ok, but I really hate writing frontend code.

The other day, I found Home Assistant.

This doesn't suck.  It's about 80% of what I needed:

  • No cloud
  • Not written like trash, or in a trash language. (I'm lookin at you ruby!)
  • It's an event engine
  • It supports most of my stuff (but not all!)
  • It is NOT distributed

Ok.  That last one is a problem. I'm going to have to work through this..

So for now.. I guess I'm closing the chapter on gnhast for a bit.  This does what I need, so lets see if I can make it work how I want.

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